The NPRCH had their ‘university’ kick-off meeting June 10–11, 2015, in northern Colorado. The event brought six land grant universities together to share their existing extension and outreach efforts related to climate science and agriculture production. This gathering provided an opportunity to share and discuss other existing efforts (e.g., Western Water Assessment’s Climate Dashboard, and the Agriculture, Forestry, and Climate Science Learning Network pilot project).
A highlight from the 2-day event was the time the group took exploring opportunities to partner in the coming year. Through this effort, the group is writing a white paper for current status of activities, and inventorying existing climate science extension and education efforts that will showcase opportunities to fill in the gaps. The group discussed the need to train extension educators/agents about climate science, and how it might relate to their existing programs.
The NPRCH looks forward to working with the land grant universities among our other partners.
To learn more about the NPRCH visit: http://climatehubs.oce.usda.gov/northernplains