UN Launches New Climate Change e-Learn Platform
The UN CC:e-Learn platform has just undergone a complete makeover. The platform, which was launched in 2014, still boasts its state of the art climate e-learning courses in six different languages.
New features include:
- Easier Access and Navigation
- A Growing Community
- More Certificates
NC ADAPT Work Group Releases Adaptive Management Recommendations
The NC ADAPT Work Group is a coalition of leaders from the agriculture and forestry sectors, along with partners from the business, academic, research and government communities. The NC ADAPT Work Group’s initial mission was to explore the threats and impacts of increasingly extreme and erratic weather events and changing climatic conditions on North Carolina’s agriculture and forestry sectors to determine if these sectors are adequately prepared for what scientists are projecting. The NC ADAPT Work Group concluded that weather variability is a threat to agriculture and forestry in North Carolina, preparation is needed, and the state would benefit from the development of a comprehensive adaptive management strategy. The NC ADAPT Work Group’s findings and roadmap for constructing an adaptive management plan are outlined in the June 2015 report, Keeping North Carolina’s Farms and Forests Vibrant and Resilient: An Adaptive Management Planning Strategy.
Northeast Regional Climate Hub Pilots Discussion Groups for Climate Adaptation

Sign up to become part of a new discussion forum on climate change and agriculture in the northeast, hosted by the USDA Northeast Climate Hub and the Climate Learning Network. In response to stakeholder demand, we created six forums focused on crops, livestock, forestry, aquaculture, fruit or specialty products. These email distribution lists are designed for you and your colleagues to share information and learn about innovative adaptations in this region. These lists are a professionally moderated forum for question/answer-style dialogue among peers. Learn about the climate impacts on agriculture and the successful adaptations that keep farms productive.
Northern Institute for Applied Climate Science Expands Adaptation Workbook
NIACS created the Adaptation Workbook as an online, interactive version of the decision-making process published in Forest Adaptation Resources. NIACS has recently updated the site with many new improvements. Most significantly, the Adaptation Workbook now supports urban forestry and agriculture projects, in addition to regular forestry projects. The goal of the project is to help a wider variety of landowners and land managers to use the site, which helps people connect their land management goals to practical, ready-to-use information on climate change impacts and adaptation actions. Visit the Adaptation Workbook and give it a try.
Florida Climate Tools Conference Resources Now Available