CLN/ANREP-CSI Webinar: Developing a Climate Action Plan for Your Community – Lessons from the Florida Keys

Many communities are taking action to create plans to prepare for potential climate change impacts, such as sea level rise, changes in weather conditions (floods or drought), higher maximum temperatures, more severe weather, and changes in distribution of plants and insects. This session will focus on methods to address climate issues and tools that agents can use to provide leadership in climate change planning. Alicia Betancourt will share the program strategies and barriers she learned over 10 years in her effort to increase climate resilient policies and energy efficiency in county operations. Through the efforts of this Extension program Monroe County has adopted 40 local policies on energy and climate resiliency since 2010. Alicia worked with county staff and community members to develop the Monroe County Climate Action Plan. Monroe County was one of the first in Florida to adopt climate and energy policies into their comprehensive plan.  A 5 year plan for sustainability implementation began in 2016 with 42-46 projects per year. The projects cover all aspects of resiliency such as infrastructure, purchasing and road elevation and have led to local funding of over 3.3 million dollars through 2018. Register Now 

ab.jpgAlicia Betancourt is the University of Florida IFAS, Monroe County Extension Director. Alicia has a M.A. Degree in Public Administration with a focus on Sustainable Development. Since 2006, Mrs. Betancourt has been working with local governments on climate, energy and sustainability. Alicia works with the University of Florida, Sea Grant and with the Association of Climate Change Officers on climate change programs.  Some of the efforts she has worked on include; Southeast Florida Climate Compact technical work groups, National Extension Climate i-Three Corps, Monroe County GHG Analysis, and Sustainable Floridians. She is the current president of the Florida Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals

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